Accepting payments

SupportAccepting payments
How to accept card payment? 
Download and install iboxPro application on your smartphone or tablet. Plug your ibox reader into headphones socket on your smartphone. Check it to be completely plugged...
Card acquiring rules
To check if the card belongs to the customer you need to: Receive a banking card and client’s ID papers from the client The card can be used only by a lawful c...
How to accept cash payment?
Download and install iboxPro application on your smartphone or tablet. Start iboxPro app Enter your login and password for ibox system into corresponding field...
How to check that the system is working?
To check ibox system you can test it by making a “zero payment”. You can use your own card for that, no amount of money will not be deposited from it if you use “zero payment” feature. ...
How to create a recurrent payment?
Recurrent payment – is a direct debit of funds from customer’s banking card account, created and performed in accordance with service contract. The customer does not need to remember about perio...
What types of cards does ibox accept?
ibox system accepts most types of plastic cards that are currently used in Russia: Visa and MasterCard.
Do I need internet connection to accept payment?
Yes, to accept payment you must be authorized within ibox system, and for that you need connection. You can use any type of internet connection that you use or that your mobile device ...
The customer didn’t receive check, can I send it again?
All transactions are saved in payments history, accessible from mobile app and from ibox Analytics. So, in case you need to re-send the check: Start ib...
How money is transferred?
All payments received from clients will be transferred the same day directly to your designated clearing account(s). It is the same account, which you put in to connect to ibox service...
How does ibox use traffic?
The system operation requires a rather modest amount of traffic. On average scale accepting 100 payments per month through one smartphone will require an average amount of no more than 2Mb per m...
List of supported devices for Chip&PIN reader (P15)
3Q Qoo! Android Q-pad MT7801C 4.2...
List of supported devices for Chip&Sign reader (C15)
4Good Android S450m 4G 5.1 or abo...

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