
Are smartphones safe enough to accept card payments?
ibox system is built according to international standards of security in card payments. Payment infrastructure is certified in accordance with PCI-DSS standard, used by world’s largest...
What card data is displayed or entered when making a payment?
On payment, a masked view of the card is used.  No PIN is required when working with ibox. The customer just signs right on your smartphone’s screen – with stylus or simply with a finger...
How ibox is protected from fraud?
To prevent fraud ibox uses several systems of protection. They work both on client and system side. On the system side every payment is linked to a certain place in time and space using GPS tech...
Card acquiring rules
To check if the card belongs to the customer you need to: Receive a banking card and client’s ID papers from the client The card can be used only by a lawful cardholder,...

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